5 days to WOC

5 days to WOC

I've been very quiet on here for a while because for the last 2 months I've been full time on WOC. It is exciting and nerve wracking in equal measures.

At the start of May I organised Sprint Scotland (and made one of the maps), and in April made a map of Stannington in Sheffield for SYO.

I was brought into the WOC organising team last September to help with permissions, but for the last couple of months have also taken on the role of assistant technical director. That means I've been right in the inner circle of course planners and controllers, and together with Jon Hollingdale (technical director) have done a lot of work on the maps. The level of confidentiality around the maps and courses means I've not said anything about it on here, but I would really like to do some big write-ups afterwards if I get chance because it has been quite the experience!